• Essays, Prose

    This Is What Democracy Looks Like

    I am one of those insufferable people who overuses puns. I have the words, “Choose thigh words wisely,” tattooed on my left thigh. It’s that bad. So it will surprise no one…

  • Essays, Prose

    The Hopeful Hypocrite

    Ever since the election, I’ve felt like a hypocrite. A few months ago, I wrote an article that argued that people in our country need to build bridges, not put up walls.…

  • Essays, Prose

    Love – A Testimony

    “May I share my testimony with you?” I’ve been asked the above question countless times. Usually, though not always, I say yes. I’m not sure if the concept of “testimony” is prevalent…

  • Fiction, Prose

    Not a One

    Not a bad bone in her body. That’s what the people of Midway, Missouri, said about her. Not a one. Of course, Alberta Leigh Bloomfield knew better than that. She would never…

  • For the stage, Musical Theatre

    Bloody Mary

    Bloody Mary Music by Kay Clark Libretto by Emily Roller Three troubled teenage girls, strangers to one another, are transferred to the secluded Gift of God Home for Girls after being orphaned…

  • Essays, Prose

    Realigning Values

    This election, socially conservative Christians, including many of my own family and friends, have found themselves without a candidate who represents what they want in a leader. Trump is not it. But…

  • Essays, Prose

    Occam’s Razor

    Occam’s razor is a principle that states that among competing philosophies, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Or, in other words, the simplest explanation is probably right. There are…